I am living in earth but it's getting destroyed because there is no plants.The reason is there is no bees in the planet so we got three years to think of a different planet.Which planet should we got to.I would happily possibly go mercury.I do not know but in my research there is a bit of land that looks safe.
Later that night when Jason went sleep he had been kidnapped he did not know who these people were he had a black bag over him and rope tied around him.He heard boiling water he thought to himself what could that be.Am I possibly going to be boiled From these pesky things.They took the bag of Jason's head.You again But why Ahh der cause you look tasty nice.Were having you for dinner and that's that.
Any last words before we chop you into 100 pieces ohhhh mummy I will have the head and I will have the legs fair enough.Wyaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhn Boom! Goes the cannon how did you know we were here because I know where every house is in this town It is not that big.But when we saw the lady she said she wanted you for dinner so we then came to your room to check on you and you weren't there so then the only place you should be is in a boiling pot.So then they had admit there fault and they said they were sorry and they will never do it again so later the whole world came in to a jet and they went to mercury and they lived happily ever after.
We can now live on this planet Thanks to our hero Jason all hail Jason.Thank you Thank you everyone.we will now live happy.
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