10 Amazing facts about spiders.
1. Did you know that there is about 38 000 species of spiders
2. Did you know there is actually spiders in every single continent in the world except Antarctica.
3. Did you know that spiders travel on 4 legs on the floor and 4 legs up always.
4. How about this did you know that spiders eat more insects than birds and bats.
5. You know that all spiders spin silk but not webs.
6. Some house spiders, can stick to walls and are able to run up walls because of their feet it's covered up in little sticky hair.
7. Wolf spiders are known to run as fast as 2 human steps.
8. Spiders actually have blue blood instead of red blood.
9. Giant trapdoor spiders are considered living fossils because they are similar to spiders that lived over 300 million years ago.
10. Black widow bites can also cause other nerve-related problems, such as high blood pressure, restlessness, and severe facial spasms.
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