One day in a backyard there was a cat.His name was Jerry.Jerry was a loving cat.He was a black and white fluffy cat.He was a very furry cat.He loved eating mice.But what he didn't like was dogs.
But One day Jerry went out to catch mice.Jerry wanted to go to the next door neighbours.But he didn't know which way to go.He was thinking.Until he said to ‘’himself maybe I should go to this house’’.’’This house might have something good for me to eat’’ I might go This way so he went right but he didnt know what was benind there backyard.So he went to the backyard of the neighbours.The gates closed like a automatic door……
Go up a tree or stay behind 
=safe =bites and scratches
But what did Jerry see It's a dog so Jerry ran as fast as lightning the dog chased Jerry,and Jerry went up a tree just like that.Jerry said ‘’what is your name and why are you chasing me’’. ‘’My name is Tom and I hate cats’’.Jerry replied back’’why’’.’’Cause they're so annoying and they wreck my sleeping’’. But ‘’I'm not bad’’ said Jerry.Tom replied back’’you are just like the other cats that disturb me’’.’’How could I possibly do that’’.’’You Just did said Tom.’’How can you sense me’’ said Jerry.’’I am a sniffer dog and I can sense smells far far away’’.
Go and run away or stay behind in the tree
=safe Tom wakes up=bites and scratches
‘’I can sense smells about 1 kilometre away’’,and the first smell I can sense is you stinky breath of fish’’.’’Excuse me’’ said Jerry in a fierce look on his face,who are you to tell me what I can smell like’’.’’That's nasty’’ said Tom.But still Tom didn't like Jerry at all.Tom had a nap and Jerry was still up.Jerry went down the tree and ran continuing on his hunt for fish.Jerry saw a little pond.He said to himself ‘’hmmmmmmm maybe I should see if there's fish in this pond’’.So Jerry ran to the pond and he would swipe the fish,with his little paws.So jerry caught the fish and he ran to the automatic gate.
Go and run away or stay behind in the tree
=safe =bites and scratches
Run away
But the door wouldn't open.Tom woke up and he could still smell the breath of fish and fish at the same time.Tom knew that it had to be Jerry,so tom got up and he started to bark.’’Woof woof woof’’.Tom was shouting ‘’get out you ugly old cat’’.So Jerry ran away again.Suddenly a horn beeped toot tooooooooot.It was a car and the door suddenly opened.